My review on the 13 little blue envelope book 1

My review on the last little blue envelope book 1 I forgot to post my review of this book up on my blog Date of book published: December 21th 2010 Author: Maureen Johnson Format: Paperback My Rating: 10/10 Summary This book is about a girl called Ginny, her free spirited aunt who leaves Ginny 13 letters which she has to do what is it each letter and everyplace she goes she finds a new letter from her aunt and her aunt gets her to travel a lot and this book is about Keith as well who Ginny meets.. My Review When I started reading this book I could not put it down because there is amazing love and friendship story's throughout the characters and also you get to read about all the places she goes to visit because of the letters her aunt have sent her.. Ginny and Keith are my fav throughout this book because reading about there friendship throughout this book is amazing, sweet and funny to read also Maureen Johnson has done amazin...