My Review on the twilight sage: Breaking Dawn part 1 movie

Breaking Dawn part 1

where you can watch movie: Dvd
Date move came out: 2011
My Rating: 10 out of 10
Bella and Edward get married. The Quileutes close in on expecting parents Edward and Bella, whose unborn child poses a threat to the Wolf Pack and the towns people of Forks.

My review:
Breaking Dawn Part 1 was amazing and it shows the most important moments from the book in the film.. It was fun to watch Alice Planning the wedding for Edward and Bella.. watching the wedding was amazing and the wedding was planned right because u could feel the love as Bella walks to Edward and Bella's wedding dress was amazing, she looked lovely.. with the movie u get pulled in to the love story which is a book thing,, It was amazing to see Bella and Edward dancing after the wedding and to see Jacob back now that made me cry a bit because Bella looked so happy to get her best friend back and u could see in Jacob's eye's that he was happy to see Bella too.. It was so sweet to watch Jacob and Bella dancing together.. It was nice to see Rosalie looking out for Bella.. The movie was amazing

Kat x


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