My Review on the twilight sage: new moon movie
New moon
where you can watch movie: DVD
Date move came out: 2009My Rating: 6 out of 10
Edward leaves Bella after an attack that nearly claimed her life, and in her depression she falls into yet another paranormal relationship - this time with werewolf Jacob Black.
My review
The movie was amazing to watch at the start because u got to see how much Edward and Bella loved each other, but half way thought the movie when Edward left Bella in the woods was sad because u seen how much Edward loved Bella and did not want to hurt her but he thought she would be better off without him but she did not give up on seeing Edward, it was nice she had Jacob but it was good to see how happy she was when she seen Alice back in town and then you seen that she got a lot more happy by the end of the movie when her and Edward where back together again.. so far the twilight movies are amazing
Kat x
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